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I absolutely love adventure but I will never climb Everest, will never backpack across Europe and will never solo-sail across the Pacific. Still yet, these kinds of adventures fascinate me which is why I am so excited to launch the Seek Adventures Book Club.
The Seek Adventures Book Club is perfect for adventure lovers of all kinds who also enjoy reading. We will have bi-monthly reading selections and I will lead a discussion in our Seek Adventures Book Club Facebook Group.
We will explore many different books that fall into the "adventure" category. We will read coming-of-age works of fiction, classic adventure fiction and memoirs, biographies and autobiographies that tell of amazing adventures.
Seek Adventures Book Club Membership FAQs
Does it cost anything to join the Seek Adventures Book Club?
NO! Our book club is free and open to anyone.
Do I have to purchase the book through the Amazon link you provide?
No! I will provide an Amazon Affiliate link to our current book club selection. This allows me to earn advertising fees without costing you any extra money and helps me to keep my website and the book club running. You are more than welcome to borrow the book from a friend or the library. You can also shop around and purchase the book elsewhere if you wish. Of course, we are always beyond grateful if you choose to click our affiliate link.
Do I have to participate every month?
No! We will have a bi-monthly selection. Join and participate as you feel inspired. There are no participation requirements.
What if I don't like the book?
Ugh! We've all been there. If you prefer to stop reading, go for it. Feel free to continue in the discussion with us and even share what you didn't like about the book.
What if I don't agree with something another member says?
That's perfectly okay but please remember to be respectful of others opinions. It is possible to disagree in a civil and constructive manner. If I feel that someone is not doing this, they will be removed from the group.
Can I contact other members of the group privately?
If you and another member of the group mutually agree to have a discussion in a private message that is up to you and we hold no responsibility for that decision if agreed upon by both members. If a member contacts another through a private message without permission and the situation is brought to my attention, the offending member will be removed and banned from the group. Please respect the privacy of other group members.
Will you ever offer giveaways?
Possibly! Depending on the growth and participation of the group, it is possible that I will host giveaways in the future.
How do I join?
Great question! You can join by requesting to be a member of the Seek Adventures Book Club Facebook Group.
Can I invite others to join?
Absolutely! The more the merrier!
What is the reading schedule?
Each week of a selection month, I will host group discussions based on a pre-selected number of chapters or pages. This will vary depending on the book selected.
June 2018 - Book selection announced on May 25
August 2018 - Book selection will be announced on or before July 1
October 2018 - Book selection will be announced on or before September 1
December 2018 - Book selection will be announced on or before November 1