Quick Kitchen Tip: Easy Shredded Meat plus a Yummy Chicken Salad Recipe

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If you need shredded meat for a recipe there is a super quick and easy way to get it done that will save you a ton of time! (And will also prevent you from burning your fingers if you need to shred hot meat.)

Use your stand mixer!

Place your cooked, boneless meat into the bowl of your stand mixer. Attach the paddle and start the mixer. Make sure it is locked and on the lowest speed. You will want to watch closely at the beginning to make sure that none of the meat escapes over the side.

2-3 minutes later you will have perfectly shredded meat!

The great thing is that this method works on both hot and cold meats. Use your shredded meat in a recipe or wrap it and store in the freezer for later use.

Here is my favorite chicken salad recipe. It is modified from the recipe for Dana’s 7 C’s Cashew Chicken Salad that was served at Dana’s By the Gorge Restaurant in my hometown of Quechee, Vermont. Their recipe is amazing (and still served at their restaurant) and while my recipe really isn’t quite the same, their chicken salad was the inspiration. Enjoy!

Dana’s Inspired Chicken Salad

2 Chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
1 Rib of celery, finely chopped
1 Small carrot, shredded or finely chopped
1/2 cup grapes, cut in half
Curry Powder
Mediterranean Seasoning
Chopped Cashews

Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. I did not include measurements for the seasonings or mayo because I do this by taste and consistency. I would suggest starting out by adding small amounts of seasonings and checking for taste. The curry powder and mediterranean seasoning can be overwhelming if you are not careful. Once combined, cover and refridgerate at least three hours to allow the flavors to combine. Serve the chicken salad on a bed of lettuce or on a hearty grain bread with lettuce. Chips and/or fruit make perfect sides.

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